How the game of golf works. Part 2

golf balls

Now a few words about how a golf ball is constructed and why it is shaped like this, with holes. A modern golf ball is not as solid as it may seem at first glance. It has a core inside, a hard piece of rubberized plastic. The stuffing of the ball is like a spring – it stores potential impact energy and turns it into motion energy.

The surface is made of durable plastic – polyurethane. Notches are vitally important for the ball – they improve the airflow of the ball in flight, reduce air resistance and provide a greater range of impact. Manufacturers experiment with the shape and number of grooves. The number of grooves on balls from different manufacturers varies from 300 to 500. The more hollows, the higher the ball flies. As a result, a ball with more holes flies very high to the detriment of the balls


The game of golf is famous for its age-old traditions and etiquette. The most important thing in golf is to observe good manners toward your opponent. While preparing your opponent for a shot, you should try not to move or talk. Never stand on the line of strike, close to the flight path of the ball or close to the player who makes the swing, otherwise you can be seriously injured. Do not shout something loud to your friends who are far away from you: this may disturb other players. Walk quickly without delaying the players following you. Lose the ball and signal to the players behind you to wait. If you tear out a piece of turf with your stick when you hit it, you need to put it back in its original place and press it down. You should always clean up the dents left by the ball on the course, and smooth out the marks in the sand bunker with the special rakes that are always lying around.

There are strict restrictions on amateur player status. Anyone who has ever once received a golf instruction fee or played golf for money cannot be considered an amateur and compete in amateur events. Amateurs, however, may receive fees according to a strictly defined procedure and may accept non-cash prizes up to the standards set forth in the rules for amateur etiquette